Indeck Debuts “Indeck Answers”


Indeck Group of Companies is proud to announce the release of their new eBook series “Indeck Answers” with the debut issue “Putting the Power in your Hands: What you Need to Know before Selecting a Steam Power Partner for your Next Project”.

The “Indeck Answers” series will provide educational content, best practices, common mistakes, and other operational insights to individuals and businesses impacted by industrial boiler operations.

“Indeck’s client service and industry knowledge are truly second to none,” says Indeck President and CEO Marsha Forsythe. “The Indeck Group of Companies has over 250 years of industry experience. At Indeck Power Equipment Company alone, nearly two-fifths of our team have been with us for over 15 years…sharing their knowledge and expertise about steam and hot water generation in a way no one else can.”

Chris Petcos, Chief Operating Officer of Indeck Keystone adds, “On a person-to-person level, [Indeck] is known for our outstanding industrial boiler knowledge and client service. ‘Indeck Answers’ gives our clients another place to access this information and allows our team to provide the same trusted, reliable steam power insights on a larger scale.”
Indeck’s new eBook series will feature topics that span from equipment shopping, best practices for industrial boiler maintenance, tips to increase operational efficiencies, overall plant safety, and more. Indeck’s first “Indeck Answers” eBook focuses on the best practices and common oversites made by industrial facilities when selecting a steam and hot water solutions provider.

Visit for additional “Indeck Answers” eBooks and to stay current on Indeck news, events and upcoming projects.